Legal information

The site available at (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is intended for the personal information of Internet users who use it. Access and use of this Site are subject to these «Legal Notices» detailed below as well as applicable laws and/or regulations. The connection and access to this Site imply the full and unreserved acceptance of the user of all the provisions of this Legal Notice.




The company that owns the Site reserves the right to modify and update, without notice, these Legal Notices and all the elements, products or services presented on the Site. All of these changes are binding on Internet users who must consult these Legal Notices related to the Site. This Legal Notice is subject to French law.

The website is published by: AUTOMOBILES CITROËN, hereinafter referred to as the "Manufacturer" whose registered office is at POISSY (78300) - 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe, S.A.S. with a capital of 159,000,000 Euros, registered at the RCS of Versailles under number 642 050 199. The sevice Relations Clientèle DS is reachable at 0969 21 1955 (Monday to Friday 8h-21h and Saturday 9h-19h). Publication director: Sophie Ropars, Site manager: Audrey Grunwald.
Brand Contact Request:
A manager can be contacted using the following form: 
intellectual property rights

The Builder advises users of this Site that many elements of this Site:




1 - Are protected by copyright law: it may include photographs, articles, drawings, animated sequences, recordings in digital audio or video format, ...




2 - And/or are protected by design legislation;




3 - Are protected by the legislation on the marks: these are in particular the mark "DS AUTOMOBILES", the logo «DS», as well as the marks of the models of vehicles in particular, appearing on the Site.




The elements thus protected are the property of the Manufacturer, its subsidiaries, companies of the Stellantis group or third parties that have authorized the Manufacturer to exploit them.




As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or integral by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is prohibited, without the prior written authorization of the Manufacturer or the company owner of said elements, except for the exceptions legally admitted by article 122-5 of the Code the Intellectual Property, under penalty of infringement of copyright and/or designs and/or trademarks, punishable by three (3) years imprisonment and three hundred thousand euros (€300,000) fine in the case of infringement of copyright and four (4) years of imprisonment and four hundred thousand euros (400,000 €) fine in the case of trademark infringement.




The trademarks and logos of the software displayed on this Site are the respective property of the companies operating them, and may not be operated without the prior written consent of said companies. These trademarks include but are not necessarily limited to any software not specifically identified in this Legal Notice.

The information and illustrations on the pages of this Site are general information and have no contractual value. They are subject to change without notice.

The services presented on this site are those that may be offered by members of the participating Builder’s network. With regard to spare parts and accessories, the prices mentioned for information are excluding installation, except in the case of packages. These packages are only valid for the period indicated. The Manufacturer’s sales network is at your disposal to answer all your questions regarding the products and services presented on this site.




We remind you that the members of the Builder’s commercial network are independent merchants who remain free to determine their own rates and to participate or not in the operations proposed by the Builder (including packages) and are solely responsible for the information they provide on this site.

The financing offers made on are subject to acceptance by PSA Finance France / CREDIPAR, tenant manager of CLV, SA with a capital of 138,517,008 Euros. 317 425 981 RCS Versailles, 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe, 78 300 Poissy. Insurance agent registered in the register of insurance intermediaries under number 07 004 921 with the ORIAS. Offers and scales are subject to conditions and depend on the approval of the file by PSA Finance France/ CREDIPAR. The information on the site is not contractual and your registration on it is not worth offer of financing. Only your acceptance, by your signature, of a prior offer of financing and the provision to the member of the network of the Constructor with whom you are in relation to proof of your identity and your asset situation, allow PSA Finance France/ CREDIPAR to approve or not your request.
The protection of your personal data is our priority. We invite you to read our Privacy Statement.

In the event of a dispute between the parties, they will endeavour to resolve it amicably. In the absence of an amicable agreement, the consumer customer is informed in accordance with Article L.211-3 of the French Consumer Code, that before bringing any matter before the competent courts and following a written complaint to the publisher of this website, it has the possibility of seizing free of charge a mediator registered on the list of mediators established by the Commission d'évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation pursuant to Article L.615-1 of the French Consumer Code, namely according to the publisher of the site:




- either to the Mediator of Mobilians by mail to the following address: 43 bis, route de Vaugirard CS 80016 - 92 197 Meudon CEDEX or on the website,


- either to the Mediator at the FNAA by mail to the following address: Immeuble Axe Nord; 9-11 avenue Michelet- 93583 Saint Ouen Cedex or on the website




The consumer customer remains free to accept or refuse the use of mediation and, in the case of mediation, each party is free to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.




In the absence of amicable agreement, mediation or acceptance by the parties of the solution proposed by the mediator, the dispute between a consumer customer will be brought before the court according to the rules of common law.




The user is informed of the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform intended to collect any complaints arising from an online purchase of European consumers and to transmit them to the competent national ombudsmen. This platform is available at

password management



The Manufacturer makes available to you on this website different spaces allowing you to have access to privileged services (ex: My DS Space). To obtain access to these spaces, you must enter your email address, first name, postal code and choose a password. This password is strictly personal and you must ensure confidentiality. As such, you are responsible for any use of this password and the Manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of these spaces and/or this password. You must inform the Builder of any fraudulent use of your password or space and log out after each visit to the site.
limitation of liability

You use the Site under your sole responsibility. The Manufacturer and its subsidiaries cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages, such as, in particular, material damage, loss of data or program, financial damage, resulting from the use of this site or sites related to it.




We draw your attention to the fact that certain products or services presented on the Site may be subject to special regulations or even restrictions and/ or prohibitions in certain countries.




The Manufacturer offers you the possibility, on the Site, to send personal messages passing through servers under its management responsibility and to allow you to inform your correspondents of the interest of certain articles or documents on the site.




As such, the responsibility of the Manufacturer cannot be engaged because of a message written by a user to a correspondent through the Site. The Manufacturer cannot be held responsible for messages of which the company is not the author and over which it exercises no control.

responsibility of the user



Users of the Site undertake to comply with these legal notices and to use the Site under their responsibility. The user is deemed to have accepted these legal notices simply by consulting the Site. Any consultation of the Site implies acceptance of these legal notices in their latest version.




The Manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the use of the Site.




Users must in particular protect their technical equipment against any form of virus contamination and/or intrusion attempts, the Manufacturer cannot be held responsible in this case.


The establishment of a hypertext link to the Site requires prior written permission from the Manufacturer. In any event, the Manufacturer is in no way responsible for the content and products or services offered on the sites to which the Site is linked by hypertext links or any other type of links, such as Mister Auto.




Applicable law: the Site and these legal notices are subject to French law to the exclusion of conflict of laws rules. They are written in French.